Saturday, October 18, 2008


Our little family went to this cool corn maze yesterday called Pumkinaze. There was a really fun slide on hay bails and here are a few ways we slid down them...

Yes, this is me with Presley in the sling taking Lia down- she insisted!!

Lia and Daddy going down together.

Lia was so excited Daddy went down upside down!!!

All by herself :) And here is the fun corn maze....

There were tons of fun things for the little ones to do....

Happy Halloween season :)


Jen & Johnny said...

What fun!!! This season is so GREAT!!! There are so many fun things to do!! Lia's smile is to die for!!! Can't wait to see when Presley gets a little older and starts smiling~ that is so much fun!!

Photo By Emilie said...

Oh my those pix are to die for!!

Arin and Troy said...

That place looks like a lot of fun! Is it in Davis County?

Lindy said...

That looks like it was a blast! I have been wanting to do something fun like that with the kids, but with Hailee in the Nutcracker, it seems like our Saturdays are all used up.

Me in a nut shell said...

A little slow on the blogging this week.... that looks like you guys had a lot of fun. What a cool corn maze!