Monday, September 22, 2008

Uggghh tagged

Ok- I NEVER do tags but since two people tagged me on this within a few days- here you go.

1. Link to person who has tagged you: and
2. Post the rules on your blog
3. Write 6 random things about yourself
4. Let each person know they have been tagged by leaving a comment.

1. I don't wear prints. I always wear solid colors. I try them on when shopping wishing I will like them but it's really hard for me to buy any clothes that have a print. I know it's kinda weird- you should see my closet.
2. I hate to hear people chew their gum. Please don't sound like a cow chewing cud- it totally grosses me out.
3. I am obsessed with having my floor clean. I own a Dyson and a Floor Mate and a carpet cleaner- I use them a few times a week. I love being bare foot but go crazy if stuff sticks to my feet!!
4. I watch Days of Our Lives. I know, I know- it's totally cheesy but I have watched it like forever and just can't stop!!
5. I use tons of stuff in the laundry- color safe bleach, regular bleach, laundry soap, fabric softener, dryer sheets. You name it- I use it in every load. I know its a little over the top but for some reason I have to do it.
6. I love cereal of any kind- like to the point that I could be totally happy eating it three meals a day.

I tag James- Joelle- and Ricki. Sorry I know it sucks!!


Me in a nut shell said...

I am sooo gald you did the TAG! I wasn't going to but then...

So fun... I didn't know all that about you, but now that you mentioned it, I never saw you in a print in how many years! And so me with the laundry products... If I don't have all of it, I feel like my clothes aren't going to be clean.

I need to talk to you about the Dyson... I was going to get one for Christmas, but I heard something about that if you buy one, your carpet warranty is gone because of the dual action... anyway email me back and let me know... because I know you are a very informed consumer!

heidijogoody said...

Ok I totally hate people that chew their gum loudly too it is one of my biggest pet peevs. I too am a Days of our Lives watcher. I think I have watched it every day minus a few here and there since I was in high school.

Craig and Janalyn said...

Katie don't hate me... I don't smack my gum, but I have the worst habit popping my gum! Sorry! :) I watch Days too. My mom used to watch it, so my sister and I got hooked forever ago!