Monday, September 22, 2008

Everyone has their babies!!

I just thought I would post this cute pic- Lia loves her new baby doll!!


Jen & Johnny said...

Look at that smile on Lia's face.... you can just see the complete happiness!!! Love it!!! And as for the tag...... I think they are so fun to read so I'm glad you did it!!! Some of the things I could have guessed about you: ie... when we were on vacation in Hilton Head and you were vaccuuming.... kind of got that you are a clean floor freak...... not that there is anything wrong with that!!!!!!! he he he But some things I had no idea: ie. you watch Day of our Lives!!!!! So funny!!!! It may be annoying to you to do the tags but it is fun for other people to know you better!!!! You are GREAT!!!!

Craig and Janalyn said...

Oh my goodness! What a great photo!