Lia eating a hot dog- notice the ketchup all over her face :)
Lia and Daddy!!
Lia and Mommy- eating a lemon.
Lemon face!!
We love the beach!!

Climbing trees!!

Lia and Bella pulling faces- I can't believe they are only three days apart. Lia is a giant :)

So last week was a blast- It was the perfect way to spend our 6 year anniversary!!! We spent the whole week at a Marriott resort on Hilton Head Island with our friends The Butterfield's and the Kettle's- love the perks of Taz's job!!!! All in all Lia was a good little traveler (as best you can expect from a 2 year old). I was really bad about taking pictures- I would either forget to put it in my bag or just plain forget to take some when I had it:( We spent plenty of time in the pool and on the beach, there is not a whole lot to do there but relax so that was nice. Lia became quite a good little swimmer thanks to Daddy the former swim teacher. We ate some good food at Sticky Fingers and enjoyed the southern hospitality!! We all wore spf 70the whole time but somehow Lia ended up with a killer tan?? Taz enjoyed his time on the beautiful golf courses with friends and totally spoiled me with a two hour trip to the spa. I got an hour facial and an hour massage- it was the most relaxing thing I have ever done!!! We shared a bed with Lia for the first time in her entire life and she was the only one who loved it. She was convinced that Daddy's pillow was hers and was bulldozing him all night long while kicking me!!! One night we turned out the lights and she decided that it was not time to go to bed so she climbed up on Taz and said, "What's up Daddy"? It was so funny we could not help but bust out laughing. Lia had some naughty moments being out of her element and playing with the other girls- she is in for a surprise when this baby comes!!! We had so much fun- sorry we don't have more pics to share :(