Thursday, February 28, 2008

Really- that's it???

50%How Addicted to Blogging Are You?


Sara said...

Hey I randomly just found your blog! How are you guys?! I too am addicted to blogging- it is the best! Oh and CONGRATS on being prego! That is so exciting! Tell Taz hello for us- and Lia is just too darn cute!

Jen & Johnny said...

It's starting to warm up again.... we will have to plan another day at the zoo!! I am going to check it out this week to see if it is bearable... still kind of nippy but I am dying to get the kids out and they are dying to see the animals and play!!! We will have to plan a day!!

Jodi Nelson said...

So, i've been looking into this site meter thing because my friend said she been wiered out by "the blog world" as of late. have you found the same by seeing the stats on the site meter?!

Jodi Nelson said...

so, i've gone private, and need your email address... email to me if ya want: thanks!! i'd like to have in my address book anyways :)