Wednesday, December 26, 2007

Christmas morning faces

I caught these great pics of Lia Christmas morning when she saw what Santa brought her. She LOVED her new kitchen set!!!

Grammy Harrop made these cute jammies for her- aren't they adorable!!!

Sunday, December 23, 2007 last!!!!!

We did so many fun things both times we went to Kauai- so I have combined all the pics from the two trips so you can see all the awesome stuff we did!!

Wednesday, December 19, 2007

Dippin' Crazy :)

Lia is totally obsessed with dipping all her food. She loves to dip pancakes and french toast in syrup, and just about everything else in ketchup. I need some ideas for healthy food you can dip- help me out!!!

Monday, December 17, 2007

Winter Wonder Baby

While we were in Hawaii last week Aunt Em took these fantastic pics of Lia- look for them soon on your Christmas card!!!!

Let's get dirty!!

I thought I would post a little tidbit of our trip while I am working on the rest of the pictures. This was one of our favorite things we did this time on the island!!! Check it out- we have never been more dirty in our entire lives!!!

Thursday, December 6, 2007

Our mini make-over

We decided to stain our mantle and hand rail in the hallway to match all of our furniture. It turned out so good and it was so easy!! This is our mini make-over- I wanted to wait to post it until we got our new carpet but it's back ordered for three weeks!!! Check out how good it turned out!!

Monday, December 3, 2007

Who knew?? Chiropractors really work!!!!

So I just thought I should pass on the news that Chiropractors really do work!!! At least for me- my back popped like it has never popped before and those of you that really know me can say that is impossible!! I guess that doing this for 10 years can really mess up your back!!

So if you ever need the number of a good Chiropractor in Layton give me a call!!!

Sunday, December 2, 2007


Lia LOVES her cat Milo. She can't really say his name so she calls him Mah-Mo!! It's SOOOOO cute. He is so good with her- he lets her lay on him and ride him like a horse!!! I took this pic yesterday and thought it was adorable!!